Monday, December 23, 2013

How to Write a Killer Statement of Purpose ( SOP ) . !! EASY !!

                         Usually Every University ask their prospective students to write an essay ( SOP ) as if they can asses the level of competency the student can hold and there are lot of things that matter your admission like your projects,research work, publications,conferences,social work etc,. so, It will be really exquisite for the reader ( The person who evaluates your application).  Impressing him/her/the team  is our main intention. so make sure you arrange your content in the following order. And you Should write things in a essay format ( Paragraphing). Here are the instructions as per paragraph. i hope this helps many. ! Feel free to drop your comments . i will be really happy to answer them. here we go : 

 1. Introduction to what made you to choose the course ( ex. ECE or EE in your Undergraduate).

2.Your experiences during Btech(B.e) like project works , thesis,working with professors and write what else you couldn't do up to the mark ( explain in detail)

3. make a conclusion on how you are going to make it a great thing in that college you are applying ( make sure u add 2 to 3 professor names whom u are going to work with ) !

It is unfair to write common SOP to every college. The intention in mentioning the professor's names is that , That will bring good fortune to you ! as if they will think like u have done some research before choosing that particular university (  You SHOULD Do that as if you are the one who's going to study !! ) . make sure u rewrite in above format if you wrote haphazardly !!.. that will maximize Your Profile a lot !!!!!!!!!!!!

Wish you all the best!!

Regards,  Author  : Sampath ram kumar Putta.        
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           Have a Great day ! 

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